Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Quotes from both our doppelgangers. Doom? Or Gaddafi? I leave this game of "match the quote" to the reader as an exercise.   

"Attack the cockroaches! Those greasy cats and rats!"

"You dared lay a hand upon the sacrosanct person of your lord and master??!"

"I have been informed that my devoted subjects actually dance in the streets at the merest mention of my name!"

"You insufferable -- unspeakable blot on the escutcheon of humanity--
Prepare to me the fate you sorely deserve!"

"Never again will you be able to strike your master!"

"I am possessed of power which defies description--and yet you dare lecture to me?!"

"Your fortuitous arrival is most welcome! Now, I am spared the bother of hunting you down!"
"There can be no greater punishment for you than the knowledge that you are totally helpless!"

"You unselfish concern touches me deeply, you unearthly clod!"

"I am too powerful--too totally supreme -- to give vent to common anger!"

"On your knees, you sentienceless savage!"

"I can rule the world! The Universe! DISNEYLAND!"